#14: I was sitting in the New Orleans airport, thinking I was safe and sound from the eyeing creeps in New York. FALSE. I wasn't in the state for 30 minutes before some old, crusty dude comes up to me. He says, "Hey you listening to good music?" To which I answer yeah. He asks what. So I say Usher. Then he launches into where I'm from. I tell him I am from New Orleans (a lie), born and raised. He says, well you sound like us. He asks what my business was, and I told him I am visiting home before I go back to school. He says, "You sound like them up there." To which I answer, well I was born and raised in New Orleans. He tells me I have their attitude, but I thought I would just say hello because you are beautiful. I can't help but crack a smile, and he says yeah that's it.
Do I know you sir? I don't think so.
#15: My roommate and I were sitting in a train on the way back from a relaxing beach trip. Now the beach we go to is in what I like to call Little Russia, so of course the train has it's fair share of Russians, creepers and otherwise. Now this did not happen to me, but it was too much for me not to address. There is this man who plops down between my friend and I, with the "I wanna chat you up look," so my roommate and I try to avoid this as much as possible, but the creep hears a lull, and pounces. He starts with asking about the lotion we just used, and then he goes in for the kill, basically asking my roommate if she's married or if she's slightly available, to which she says no, because she's going abroad. He says, well you don't do long distance, and she says no. He then asks when she's leaving and where she's living. He is trying to insert himself all up in the business, where he is not wanted. He was a creeper not because he wasn't genuine, but because he did SOOOO MUCH in that train ride that it was memorable. Thanks creep.
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