#3: I think the serious ones are gone, so now it's time to talk about my escapade in New York. The first is the guy who told me I had a beautiful back of the head. He had seen me once before, and told me I was the most beautiful girl. I will interject right here and say that I have a certain appeal towards the elderly, like the practically dead. Perfect. Of course this gray-haired, 4 remaining teeth individual saw what he liked. Just my luck. So he comes up from behind and says, "You look as beautiful from the back as you do from the front." .................so I have a beautiful back of the head??? Now I just avoid eye contact with the man, and I hope this works.
#4: There was the time that some guy showed me his chest hair. There I was having a quiet conversation about hair on guys. I mentioned that I was a HUGE fan of facial hair. The question was then posed on the feelings toward chest hair. I was noncommittal, saying it depended on the guy. The guy then proceeds to pull down his shirt and ask me how I felt about his taco meat spattering of hair. Shock doesn't contain what I was really feeling in that moment. Maybe disgust, maybe fear, maybe sheer confusion, maybe all of them? Let's just say that to this day, I cannot look that guy in the eye.
#5: There was the time where the guy asked my friend if he could "talk" to me..............when I was standing next to her. No? Of course she said yes. He introduced himself as Shiloh. (pause) He was a an artist trying to make his voice heard. What? So I look at him (he thinks my name is Rene) with complete disgust. He just keeps on talking. He asks if he could have my number, and if he could call me sometime to take me out. I think, of course, well first you should grow, ohhh, 9 inches first, and buy yourself an outfit that is not what you were given at birth please. Oh and this all happens on 34th street. Awesome. Needless to say this obviously didn't happen.
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